Membership Benefits
Membership Term
One year, January 1 through December 31
New or Renewing Membership beginning 2021 - ANNUAL FEE $45
Monthly meetings and interacting with other pastelists.
Exhibiting in online juried shows with cash awards.
Opportunity for participation in Annual Members Show.
Networking opportunities with like minded artists
Book club meetings.
Regularly scheduled plein air outings.
Access to DVD instructional library.
Receiving an online newsletter.
Member’s may display works on our gallery webpage.
Automatic membership to the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS)
If you prefer to pay by Check printout our Membership Form and mail: Click Here

The Southwest Florida Pastel Society welcomes all artists, at any ability level, as well as all art lovers and patrons, as members. The love of the pastel medium is what binds us as one creative community in promoting the diversity and beauty of pastels.