
Nancy Nowak

Maureen Gerrity

Ruth Sholler

Nancy Nowak

64 beautiful paintings were entered by 23 members at the COCO Gallery, Coastland Center Mall, Naples, FL. The show ran from December 3, 2024, to January 6, 2025. Volunteers from the COCO Gallery hosted a wine and appetizer reception for our members and guests on December 11. Sten Kerwin, our judge and the Curator of Arts and Culture at the Naples Botanical Gardens, gave an insightful presentation detailing her reasons for selecting each painting.
Many thanks to Scott Brown for hosting us at the COCO Gallery.
Also, thanks to the many volunteers that put in their time behind the scenes and at receiving and pick up. They are: Rebbeca Andrews, Sue Dunlap, Kris Gardner, Jerri Smith, Don Jones, Debbie Temple, Nancy Nowak, and Scott Brown.
Left to Right: Tanya Trinkhaus Glass, Maureen Gerrity,
Sten Kerwin, Nancy Nowak, Dana Enders.